9th Oct, 2024 13:00

The Gerard Collection of Chinese Export Silver
  Lot 8

A rare mid-19th century Chinese export silver cup and cover, Canton circa 1860, marked for Khe Cheong

A rare mid-19th century Chinese export silver cup and cover, Canton circa 1860, marked for Khe Cheong

China Trade period. Of campana form upon a knopped stem with a spreading domed circular foot with a scalloped edge. The upper section with a pull off lid with a shaped leaf form rim, the centrally rising section surmounted by a later white metal figure of a Roman soldier with a shield besides him, the shield flat chased with a classical dolphin, holding in the other hand a detachable halberd. The body with chased decoration in the Gothic style, the central section with a band of shaped arabesque lozenges, with leafy forms above and interlaced leafy tracery below, the upper section with a band of stylised anthemia and vine leaves, the lower section with stylised scallop shell band. The base section repeating the stylised leafy tracery. Traces of a presentation inscription to two cartouches. Gilt interior. Marked to the foot rim edge with pseudo English hallmarks and KHC.

Height – 42.5 cm / 16.7 inches

Weight – 1166 grams / 37.49 ozt

For a presentation baptismal cup dated 1867, marked for this retailer illustrated Kwan. S. (2018) Chinese Export Silver – The Muwen Tang Collection. Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Arts Publication Ltd. p. 162-163, f.162.

This 1867 cup sold Bonham’s New Bond Street, 19 June 2013, lot 100 (£15,000 incl. prem), as well as the overall similarity in being in the Neo-Gothic style, this 1867 cup and the present cup share the same chased leaf form border, on the present lots lid and the lower section of the 1867 cup, additionally the base of the 1867 example features similar strap work or tracery to this lot with a textured ground. The 1867 example with the same KHC retailer's mark and a stylised ideogram mark, this transition away from pseudo English type hallmarks would place the present lot as slightly earlier than this 1867 example but given the lack of other examples in this exact style suggests they were likely made by the same workshop supplying Khe Cheong. The 1867 examples mark may be read as Ji Gu, this mark and KHC are found upon a tea urn illustrated: Devereux Kernan, K. (1985), The Chait Collection of Chinese Export Silver. New York: Chait Galleries. P. 104-105, f. 98.

The retailing firm of Khe Cheong was one of the most prominent from the early and middle decades of the 19th century, especially for wares in the directly English taste referred to as the China Trade period. It is around the 1850’s and 60’s that the typically “Chinese” aesthetic appears in such wares. Khe Cheong operating from 2 Old China Street, Canton and Club Street, Honam Island, Canton.

Sold for £3,780

Includes Buyer's Premium


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