Astronomy.- Walker (John) The Universal Gazetteer, engraved folding frontispiece of globes, 13 engraved folding maps, ownership inscription on title head, spotting and staining, mottled calf, spine gilt, spine bleached, boards scuffed and stained, J. Johnson, 1810; Ferguson (James) Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles, folding engraved frontispiece of an Orrery, 17 engraved folding plates of astrological diagrams, some plates misfolded, light staining, tree calf, spine gilt, L. Hanford, 1809; Adams (George) A Treatise Describing the Construction and Explaining the Use of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, engraved frontispiece and 10 plates (some folding), spotting, some offsetting, contemporary calf, spine gilt, rubbed, D. Adams, 1810, 8vo; and one other of similar interest (4)