1st Jun, 2021 10:00

Chinese Art: 100 Stories

Lot 57

CUI HUI (attributed to).

CUI HUI (attributed to).

Yang Yuhuan Bathing, dated 1716, ink and colour on silk, Chinese hand scroll painting, with two colophons by Gion Nankai (1676-1751) dated 1748 and Ito Rangu dated 1765 and a title slip by Gion Nankai, the painting 107 x 28cm, colophons 75 x 28cm, 90 x 28cm, the frontispiece 56 x 28cm.

鏏(傳)《華清賜浴圖》. 設色絹本 手卷




<一> (祇園南海) 寂寂蕉陰夏日長,六宮無事更新妝。管弦嘔啞逐涼吹,宮外帶傳羅綺香。出浴香肌汗未乾,菱臺各處看初傳。人物花影誰相勝,誰倚西風玳瑁欄。水殿乘涼圖一幅,工巧精緻,固實父家法,更千載之後,精神飛動,遂題二絕以代跋語云。戊辰之秋。南海阮瑜手書於湘雲居竹深處。


<二> (伊藤蘭嵎) 明皇誅韋后,睿宗反正何其壯。開元之治與貞觀并稱,則實可謂英主也。及其晚節,久相林甫,尤寵楊妃,故祿光稱兵潼關不守,遂致播遷五十年。太平一旦,土崩瓦解,雖李郭之勛,復兩都其後,藩鎮跋扈,遂兆唐之亡矣。此圖楊妃出浴,明皇倚檻,觀之褻瀆宣淫,豈可與正人莊士俱展觀者耶?十洲爲之圖,殆為勸戒設耶?十洲之畫,精緻入神,予鑒賞一展卷,有目者皆能動之。及乞不佞跋尾書夫明皇有始無終以還之云。時明和乙酉秋日,蘭嵎長堅書。


引首:(祇園南海) 乘涼,南海阮瑜書。


Yang Guifei, also known as Yuhuan rose to become the Tang Dynasty Emperor Xuanzong’s favourite concubine and gained bathing rights to the Emperor’s exclusive Huaqing resort. Interestingly the route to becoming the Imperial consort was circuitous, with Yang originally betrothed to the Emperor’s son, Li Mao. After the death of his favourite consort, the Emperor’s eye alighted on Yang. However, to avoid accusations of impropriety, Xuanzong disguised Yang as a Buddhist nun within the palace, and thoughtfully provided his son with an alternative wife.

The story of Yang has been particularly popular in Japan where it is thought to have inspired the 11th Century classical novel, The Tale of Genji.

Estimated at £10,000 - £15,000


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