24th May, 2023 11:00

Books & Works on Paper
  Lot 29

Travel Guides.

Travel Guides.-

A collection of 85 volumes, including:

Thorough Guides, 20 volumes; Black's, 14 volumes; Meyers Reisebuecher, 5 volumes; Griebens Reisefuehrer, 7 volumes; Miscellaneous, 39 volumes; the majority in original gilt cloth bindings, mixed condition, various sizes.

***Black's guides tended towards the "colloquial, with fewer cultural pretensions" than its leading competitor (Baedeker). Sara Blair (2004). "Local Modernity, Global Modernism: Bloomsbury and the Places of the Literary". English Literary History.

For a full list and further details on the books in lots 27-29, please see the PDF at this link: Travel Guides List (please note, not including the penultimate item, Steimatzky's).

Estimated at £1,500 - £2,000


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