Digby (Kenelm) Autograph letter signed ('Kenelm Digby') to the Earl of Leicester on a diplomatic mission in France, reading "Mr Battiers dispatch hath bin so uncertain, as I prepared not for it till I should understand of a certain time pitched for his departure; and the knowledge of that came not to me untill this very instant that he is going; which maketh it too late for me to trouble you with any longer a letter then to congratulate with you the happy conclusion of the treaty you have carried and effected with so much honor", one page, integral blank, age toning, scattered soiling, remnants of mount to left margin, 8vo, London, 21 June 1637 Sir Kenelm Digby (11 July 1603 – 11 June 1665) was an English diplomat and highly reputed natural philosopher. For his versatility, he was described in John Pointer's Oxoniensis Academia (1749) as the "Magazine of all Arts and Sciences, or (as one stiles him) the Ornament of this Nation"